Sunday, October 14, 2012

Durres arrested for murder Shaban Norja

Shaban Norja 80 years old, a former previously sentenced to nine years in prison for attempted murder, is the prime suspect for the murder of 18-year-old Aishe Vata. Immediately after the arrest of Norjes the police, experts also found the victim's head, 150 meters from the place where the body was found. Aishe Vata was shot once with a bullet in the head, and then the author has cut it with a knife. Saban Norja, married father of two children a boy and a girl, described by police as the main author of the murder, has claimed before the police is the father of the child and that there were about 18-year-old cravings.
Durres Police spokesperson in a press conference said that the suspect macabre act is fellow and neighbor of Vata family.
According to police, by all investigative actions performed were able to identify the author of the event in question, be documenting scientific indisputable evidence of the event how to find the rest of the victim's body, its head.
It was documented that the citizen, at midnight on 11 October, on a parcel planted with corn in the vicinity of the apartment of the victim, has committed its execution; previously suspected firearm, pistol and then mutilated by cutting victim's head with a cutting tool.
From research conducted during the investigative actions were able to find the victim's head, which the author had hidden near the scene.
Previously suspected that we are dealing with a crime of passion committed for reasons of poor citizen Shaban Norja.
For specification of all the circumstances and mechanism story continues performing procedural further action.
Is seized as material evidence pistols and cutting tool which is realizaur works.
Under investigation are coupled asking our premises 60 national data collection in the interest of the investigation.
Saban Norja citizen charged with criminal offenses of murder in other qualifying circumstances (the person pregnant) and illegal arms and munitions and illegal arms cold.
Norja associate the police where was questioned on the scene claimed that he is the father of the child.

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